Hello, I'm Raymond Okpani

Leadership Consultant | Brand Strategist | Speaker | Author

About Me

Raymond Okpani is a social entrepreneur, personal brand strategist, International speaker, trainer, and human resource development specialist. He has a background in Political Science and International Relations from the Bahcesehir Cyprus University and he has other certifications in Project Management and Improving Leadership and Governance.

With over 10 years of experience across the private, non-governmental and public sectors, Raymond has consulted and helped hundreds of individuals, NGOs, and corporate organizations to attain peak performance & strategic results.


Raymond is the founder of Youthspark Pan Africa, a global community of emerging leaders, entrepreneurs and career professionals committed to the promotion of leadership and socio-economic development across Africa, and currently have footprints in 14 countries with member active members across 27 countries.


Currently, he is leading a movement of disruptive thinkers, purposeful leaders and accelerated problem-solvers. He is the convener and host of the signature program – The Youthspark Pan African Conference, which has consistently held back-to-back for 5 years & counting across different countries in Africa.

He is well traveled and has been invited as a speaker in 7 of the 14 countries he has traveled to. They include Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Cote’d Voire, Uganda, Nigeria and Cyprus.

He was listed among top 25 authors in Nigeria by BEWA Africa Authors Award 2020.


Raymond Okpani is available as a keynote speaker and panelist for conferences, as well as trainer for workshops & seminars.

Our Services

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Ordinary or regular steaming. See Chumushicha.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea ei viderer probatus consequuntur, sonet vocibus lobortis has ad.
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Gyokuro is a type of sencha, but grown under a different condition. while sencha is grown under the full sun, gyokuro is shielded from the sun.
Pumpkin Salad $27 35
Karigane refers to kukicha leaf stem tea made from gyokuro or high-grade sencha, and a term used mainly in the Kansai region.

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Wednesday-Thursday 09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
Friday-Saturday 10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
Sunday Closed

Leadership is about empowering others to unlock their potential and drive lasting impact

— Raymond Okpani

Global Leadership Consultant, Brand Strategist, and Author and Speaker in Nicosia, Cyprus

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